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“Before taking the photo, Anka reinvests the space to better enhance it:  she looks, moves objects, looks for the right angle ... then puts everything back in place. It's his trademark! "  

Line Frigon,  Remax imagines

"Anka is a multidisciplinary photographer!

Her natural vision for the image and her ability to capture important details make her a partner of choice.  The quality of his work is remarkable. "


Sylvie Menard  ,  Royale Lepage Humania 

" Since 2012  that Anka does all my photos.  She travels alone, customers appreciate her. Before it took me at least two hours, now I save time, and therefore money! "  

Serge Yelle   Remax Performance

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Anka Buzolitch

Photographer / infographer


To see my personal work you can visit the:

ankabuzolitch photo

© Copyright

Boucherville 2017

your partner for real estate photography

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